• Uncategorized

    Life Happens :)

    It has been awhile since my last post, and I am truly sorry about that. Honestly, since I started this website, life has been nonstop. I went back to work, met a new group of amazingly bright students, completed one of two grad classes (and almost through the second), and completed one kick ass fitness guide (almost half way through the another). Did I mention I am going through recertification as a teacher as well? Needless to say I have been really busy.  With that said, I am going to work on being more active from here on. I feel like I am finally starting to get caught up in…

  • Weekly Blog

    Sunday Funday… It is time to cuddle

    It is my last free Sunday of the summer. Next week, I will be spending the day meal prepping and preparing to enter to work. Summer will officially be over for this teacher. Although I love to meal prep, some Sunday’s are better when reserved for cuddling with the pups. Nothing beats curling up with my sweet girls and watching TV. This is exactly how I have spent this remaining Sunday of summer break. Wishing you all a relaxing night. XOXO  820 total views,  2 views today