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    My Birth Story

    Six months and 11 days ago I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. He was born at 8:07am on September 2, 2020  weighing 7.6lbs and 19 3/4inches. After almost 30 hours of labor, my sweet boy was finally here. Getting him here was a magical but painful experience that I will never forget.  I went into labor September 1 at around 2am. I was laying in bed trying to sleep when out of no were I woke up to some pretty painful contractions. At least I thought they were painful, but I would later figure out those were nothing compared to the contractions that were yet to come.  I…

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    Getting to Know the New Me

    A lot of things have changed since my last post.  I gained 60lbs.  I became a mom.  I started my breastfeeding journey.  I have worked on my nutrition.  I worked on getting active again.  I have felt like I have lost myself.  But I am working on not being defined by the things listed above! I am working on getting to know the new me… mind, body, and soul!  The mom! The fitness lover! The teacher! The woman I am growing into!  I hope to continue to inspire you all with my journey!    1,053 total views

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    Candid Photos are the Best

    Some pictures speak a 1000 words!  For me, that is exactly what this candid picture does.  With one glance, all I see is pure joy, happiness, and excitement for what’s to come in about 7 weeks give or take.  I am beyond excited to meet my little boy.  I love him so much already! I when I look at this picture, I feel like it shows 100% percent!  1,305 total views,  1 views today

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    Ending My Final Year at SMS

    Seven years ago, I started my career as a Special Education Teacher at Seneca Middle school. I spent my first four years working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, who would be considered severe on the spectrum.  Three years ago, I made the decision to switch fields and began working with students who have Specific Learning Disabilities. I have thoroughly enjoyed both positions for very different reasons (I will share a separate blog post in the future about my times in both positions).  Back in November, I made the decision to leave SMS. The plan was to move to Charleston and start a family. Needless to say, things haven’t exactly…

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    Control What You Can Control

    “Energy is that amazing feeling that comes to life inside of you when you’re happy and believe in yourself.” -Richard Simmons This has been the best week I’ve had in a while overall. I’m happy and feeling good about where I’m at in my pregnancy. I’ve done a lot less stressing about things that are out of my control over the last couple of months, especially in the area of pregnancy. So this past week I have really spent time focusing on what is in my control. How have I done this exactly? *I’ve been tracking my macros to make sure mom and baby are getting all the nutrients they…

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    Should You Exercise While Pregnant?

    Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why it is important to workout during your pregnancy? I know for me the thought never crossed my mind, even though I was encouraged from the start to keep doing what I had been doing before I found out that I was pregnant. But no one really explained why including my doctors.  To be honest, I struggled to workout consistently throughout the first trimester of my pregnancy. I tried, believe me, but working out with morning sickness was not something that my body could handle. When I tried to workout during the first trimester, it made my nausea 100 times worse.  I beat…

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    I’m Pregnant

    A lot has changed since my last post.  On January 6th, I woke up feeling extremely nauseous. I tried everything that usually worked to make my nausea go away (ginger, peppermint, CBD oil) and nothing seemed to help. At around 2:30, I finally decided I would take a home pregnancy test. So I went to Dollar General and bought one of those cheap $1.00 tests. As a woman, I have never had a regular menstrual cycle. So taking a pregnancy test was nothing out of the norm for me. I got home with my test, took it, and sat it on the side of the bathtub like I always do.…

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    Same Weight Different Body

    At the beginning of the year, if asked… I would have swore that I wasn’t focused on the number on the scale. Never mind the fact that I was weighing myself every single day. Never mind I was beating myself up every time the number moved up. & at times skipping meals because I ate a little too much over the weekend and if I just skip a few meals that weigh will disappear. I would have told you that I was checking my weigh every day just to show myself that it was only natural for the body to fluctuate from day to day. It wasn’t until summer was…

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    Brave Wings

    “With Brave Wings She Flies.” This is a quote that has spoke straight to my heart for a long time now. We all have our stories, the reasons for why we are the way we are. I stumbled across this quote during a time in my life when I had a every negative outlook. I was ready to make a change but was scared and didn’t really know how to do it. Does anyone really ever? I started working on surrounding myself with positive energy and really started working on changing my own way of thinking. This for me was the first step of my self love journey. So this…