
Same Weight Different Body

At the beginning of the year, if asked… I would have swore that I wasn’t focused on the number on the scale.

Never mind the fact that I was weighing myself every single day.

Never mind I was beating myself up every time the number moved up. & at times skipping meals because I ate a little too much over the weekend and if I just skip a few meals that weigh will disappear.

I would have told you that I was checking my weigh every day just to show myself that it was only natural for the body to fluctuate from day to day.

It wasn’t until summer was over that I realized I truly had a problem and it was time to break up with the scale.

Back on track for only 4 weeks, I was really struggling mentally with the fact that every day I ate right and busted my ass in the gym only to see no changes on the scale. I was bloated like crazy because honestly my body was in complete shock from over indulging most of the summer. I was beating myself up so much that I decided it was time to stop weighing myself and start focusing solely on how I feel and look.

Best decision I’ve ever made.

I set a goal to go 1 month without weighing myself and bam… progress started to be seen not only by myself but people who cared about me and my journey. I have only weighted myself 2 times in the last 4 months and neither time upset me.

I weigh 175lbs in both of these pictures!!! Yes… you read that correctly!!! Body recomposition is so much more important than that number you see on that scale!!! 

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