
My Birth Story

Six months and 11 days ago I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. He was born at 8:07am on September 2, 2020  weighing 7.6lbs and 19 3/4inches. After almost 30 hours of labor, my sweet boy was finally here. Getting him here was a magical but painful experience that I will never forget. 

I went into labor September 1 at around 2am. I was laying in bed trying to sleep when out of no were I woke up to some pretty painful contractions. At least I thought they were painful, but I would later figure out those were nothing compared to the contractions that were yet to come. 

I tried so hard to go back to sleep but I just could not get comfortable and escape the pain. I finally called my doctor around 8:30. When she called me back, they had me go into the office. They were going to check how far I was dilated and monitor my contractions. 

I was dilated to a 3 and they monitored my contractions for an hour. It was weird because once I got to the doctor my contractions eased up a good bit. They eventually sent me home and told me I could come back to be checked if needed anytime before 5. 

When I got home, I was so tired from being up all night that I decided to take a nap. I was able to nap for about 2 hours before the contractions came back. Every hour I was awake they got worse. At around 9pm my contractions were starting to come faster and faster. I tried walking to ease the pain, but that didn’t work. I tried sitting in the bath to ease the pain, but that didn’t work either. They just kept coming stronger and closer together. 

Once my contractions were coming between 4-6 minutes apart, we called the doctor and they sent me to the hospital. Before I was admitted, I was examined by a nurse to determine how far dilated I was. I thought I was going to punch the woman as she aggressively located my cervix. I was only dilated to a 4, but they admitted me because of how close my contractions were. 

From there it was just a waiting game. I was ready for my epidural. I was told that I would be getting my epidural about an hour after getting checked in. That was until 2 emergency C-sections happened. The pain got so intense that when a contraction hit I would grab hold of the hospital bed bars and squeeze with everything I had. It was truly the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I finally got my epidural when I was dilated to an 8. I felt immediate relief.

The nurse would come in every so often to check my contractions and baby’s heartbeat. They were starting to get a little concerned when my boy’s heartbeat was staying elevated longer than it should after each contraction. Little man was stressed. They told me that if things did not get better, that I would have to have a c-section. After monitoring my contractions and the baby’s heartbeat for about another hour, my doctor came in to check on me and told me it was time. 

After 40 minutes of pushing, Edwin Toviyah Wilson was born. I did not feel any pain due to the epidural, but I felt the pressure of pushing him out. It was the strangest sensation. I had a stage 2 tear, but nothing mattered once my baby boy was placed on my chest.  It is truly the happiest day of my life. 

My husband was there for me every step of the way. I do not think I would have made it without him. I also had the best labor and delivery doctor and nurses that I could ask for.

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