Getting to Know Me

“Happiness brings color to one’s personality. Without it, everything is dull and lifeless.”

I want to start by saying thank you for taking time out of your busy life to get to know me a little better. If you are anything like me, time is short. So, I truly appreciate it. This website is where I am going to share my journey through life. From food to fitness, and everything in between. I would like to share my loves, passions, opinions, and experiences of life with you. I especially look forward to hearing from each of you. This is a place for you to get to know the real me, so prepare yourselves for #nofilter.

I am a 30 year old special education teacher, who has always had a passion for food. In recent years, I have also developed a passion for fitness. I am a self taught fitness enthusiast. Lol. I love developing tasty healthy recipes that keeps you wanting more and keeps you from worrying about your waistline. I am no expert by any means. I am just a girl who wants to share my knowledge with other people like me.

My hope is to inspire and motive, so feel free to comment, like, and share.

“She remembered who she was and the game changed.”

Lalah Deliah

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